Władysław of Gielniów (ca. 1440 – 1505)
WŁADYSŁAW OF GIELNIÓW - When Augustus Was King
When Augustus was king,
And ruled the whole world;
He ordered all people to register,
And took a tax from each head
Bethlehem, a small town,
Had many visitors at that time;
Joseph with his betrothed,
Mary, great with child, went there.
Because they were poor,
No lodgings for them in the town,
So they went to a stable,
And dwelt there in poverty.
Then the immaculate Virgin
Brought forth Jesus Christ;
At midnight God was born,
And filled the world with joy.
Emmanuel was born,
Without opening the womb,
Isaiah prophesied it,
And gave this sign to the king.
The faithless Jews go astray,
Do not understand the Holy Scripture;
Little animals recognized God
Because they knelt before Him.
The little Child was crying,
Lying on the bare ground;
Then his Mother knelt
And adored the little Child.
"A, a, a" - cried the Babe,
It cried for men's sins;
His Mother took him from the ground,
And wrapped him in swaddling clothes.
Because the stable was small,
She put the Babe in a manger;
No woman was present there
To serve the Mother of God.
Some people lie, insult the Virgin,
When they are saying
That women were present there,
Who served the Mother of God.
All men rejoice
And sing a new song,
Because Christ was born,
Who opened heaven for us.
Mary, Mother of God,
You are a fragrant rose;
Beseech your Son for us
To send us the Holy Ghost.
And to forgive us our sins,
The one who was born today;
Beseech for us, pure Virgin,
Enlighten us, Star of the Sea.
O Jesus, light eternal,
Enlighten us with your grace;
Through your holy birth
Forgive us our sins.
When shepherds kept watch,
And looked after their flocks,
A shining angel frightened them;
Though afraid, they rejoiced.
A flower of the field is bom
And appeared to the watchful shepherds;
Rejoice, shepherds,
And hasten to Bethlehem.
The chorus of angels sang,
And praised the Lord:
"Glory to God in heaven,
And peace toward men of good will".
This sound made the shepherds glad,
Said one to another:
"Let us go quickly to Bethlehem,
And see this Word".
Then the shepherds ran;
They found Mother and Joseph,
Saw the Babe in a manger.
And they adored him.
The revered Mother of God
Kept the Word in her heart.
The shepherds returned,
Walking, they praised God.
Christ, through your birth
Give us eternal happiness,
Forgive us our sins
Through your most sacred birth.
So now, rejoice all,
Begin a new song,
For the Lord is born,
Human nature is extolled.
Jesus, give us eternal life,
Protect us from sudden death;
Give us peaceful lives,
After death, eternal salvation.
Translated by Michael J. Mikoś
In the song about the Lord's birth, When Augustus Was King, each stanza in the original begins with a consecutive letter of the alphabet.
Polish text:
Augustus kiedy krolował...