Władysław of Gielniów (ca. 1440 – 1505)
Władysław of Gielniów - Anna, a Barren Woman
Anna, a barren woman,
Righteous and holy-minded,
Gave birth to a pure Virgin
And gave her the name of Mary.
Balaam, a pagan prophet,
Looking at the Jewish nation,
Prophesied of this Virgin
And compared her to a bright star.
The pure Virgin, star of the sea,
Is the solace to Christians;
All of you look upon her,
And cry out to her piously.
Enlightened by the Holy Ghost,
And born without any sin,
O Mary, full of mercy,
Bestow your love on sinners.
Ezekiel, a prophet of God,
Enlightened by the Holy Ghost,
Saw the gate and it was shut
Symbolizing the Mother of God.
Pharaoh, the king, had a dream,
He saw seven good ears of grain;
The Mother of God had inside
Seven gifts of the Holy Ghost.
Sinners, open your eyes wide,
Look upon the Mother of God,
She is filled with the Lord's gifts,
Because she was most humble.
Elijah, when he was hungry,
Went to a certain widow;
The widow is the Mother of God,
Run towards her, o hungry soul.
Like the widow who gave food
And water to the prophet,
Mary gives food of God's mercy
To the Christian multitudes.
To you, o Heavenly Queen,
The Christian throng is crying out,
Give us food, weary-laden,
In this world so much distressed.
Virgin Mary, full of grace,
O dear all-loving Mother,
Give us the water of bitterness,
So that we would lament our sins.
Star of the sea, pure Virgin,
Implore Jesus for us,
So that He forgives our sins
And lets his grace fall down on us.
Mary, our intercessor,
Listen to us, o merciful;
God's Judgment terrifies us,
Our conscience torments us.
O Mary, all-merciful,
O Virgin pure and modest,
When we come to God's Judgment,
Then give us sinners your help.
Ask your Son on our behalf,
Jesus Christ all-merciful,
So on the judgment day he puts us
On his right side and redeems us.
Blossoming Virgin Mary,
Still brighter than a lily,
Console all of us distressed,
Give consolation to our souls.
Gate to paradise, Mary,
Deign to be loving to us,
Protect us from evil spirits,
Help us when we are tempted.
Mary, you are a paradise well,
The paradise well creates rivers,
From you flow the rightful things,
Which all the saints call their own.
You are the Almighty's dove,
Carrying the green olive branch,
You brought forth peace to the world,
When you gave birth to your Son.
Most glorious Virgin Mary,
Who are overflowing with love,
Offer to us the Lord's love,
Hide from sight all our transgressions.
Make your Son, Jesus Christ,
Most merciful towards us;
Show him to us after we die,
Where the eternal joys are.
Bright star, throw light upon us,
Protect us from sudden death,
Lead us out of the wretched world
To the heavenly kingdom.
Implore for us eternal life,
Lead us to heavenly paradise,
Virgin, through your birth
Give consolation to your servants.
Translated by Michael J. Mikoś
A song (
Anna niewiasta niepłodna...
) of Bernardine poet Władysław of Gielniów (ca. 1440-1505) is preserved in the Warsaw National Library manuscript, call number 11. 575. A copyist supplied the note: "De nativitate Marie ista cancio", so it was intended for the holiday commemorating the birth of the Virgin Mary (September 8). It is an abecedarius, a poem in which the stanzas begin with the letters of the alphabet in regular order. Our text is based on Wiesław Wydra,
Władysław z Gielniowa. Z dziejów średniowiecznej poezji polskiej
, Poznań: 1992, pp. 284-289.