Anonym (XV c.)
Anonym - The Living God's Liberality...
The Living God's Liberality...
The living God's liberality
Raised the Mother of her Son
Above all the angelic choirs,
Where she could fully contemplate God.
When God's Son went to heaven,
His Mother remained alone here,
She lived for many a long day,
She yearned for her Son in her heart.
Angel Gabriel came upon her,
He revealed the Lord's mystery:
"You will see your Son before long,
He will come down for you on the third day.
You will soon see the apostles,
He will come down with archangels,
Do not fear the evil spirit,
Because you struck his head".
The Virgin rejoiced verily,
Her heart brimmed over with great joy,
The angel announced good news to her,
He left behind a palm as a sign.
The Lord gathered the apostles,
They had come from far-off lands,
They appeared in the house of Mary,
They greeted her with reverence.
Jesus came down on the third day,
He did not wish to change his word:
"Come with me, my dear happiness,
I will raise you to eternal salvation".
To which Mary said in reply:
"My soul rejoiced greatly in you,
When I beheld you, o Lord,
For whom I was always waiting".
When He raised her in His right hand,
All the saints were truly amazed,
To see God carrying up man,
With whom He was angry long since.
Saying: "It is truly strange,
Going from this evil world,
Aiming towards the joys of heaven,
In such enormous glory".
The angels of the higher choirs,
Replied in answer to these words:
"This virgin did not know a man,
She gave birth to the Savior.
As beautiful as the full moon,
As illustrious as the sun,
The Lord God held her so dear,
Preserved her in pure virginity.
There is none like her among us,
We can see it with our own eyes,
She is above all the angels,
In her virginal purity.
Come, Virgin, to reign higher,
We cannot compare with you,
You are the Mother of God's Son,
The heavenly Creator.
You will reside with your Son,
You will sit down at His right hand,
Remember the sinful creation,
For you are sinners' consolation.
Until the punishment takes place,
Pray to God the Father for them,
Revoke His act of judgment,
So He won't send them to damnation".
When the heavenly host makes its plea,
Let us call out shedding tears today
To the powerful consoler,
Supporter of every sinner.
Cast on the sea of this world,
Lead us on the road to salvation,
So that we do not die in sin,
And receive the Lord's mercy.
Stretch out your merciful hands,
Guide our sinful souls
To the shore of eternal joy,
Freeing us from worldly sorrows.
Where joy rules without anguish,
And eternal life without death,
Where all the heavenly powers
Praise the Lord by night and day. Amen.
Translated by Michael J. Mikoś
This work (
Świebodność Boga żywego...
) has been preserved in a manuscript of the Provincial Library of the Bernardine Fathers in Cracow (call number 2/R). It was written down at the end of the fifteenth century. The author of the song was most certainly a Bernardine poet from the circle of Władysław of Gielniów. The subject of the poem is the dormition and assumption of the Virgin Mary. We quote the text from Wiesław Wydra,
Z średniowiecznej liryki polskiej (Świebodność Boga żywego...- nieznany zabytek poezji bernardyńskiej
, "Slavia Occidentalis" 34 (1976), pp. 159-170.